PayPal has become a leading platform for online transactions, offering secure and convenient ways to send and receive money. However, with the convenience of online payments comes the occasional issue, such as disputes, claims, or chargebacks. Whether you're a buyer trying to resolve an issue with a purchase or a seller dealing with a dispute from a customer, PayPal's Resolution Center is the dedicated hub for managing and resolving such problems.

In this guide, we’ll explain how to contact PayPal’s Resolution Center and respond to disputes, claims, or chargebacks to ensure a smooth resolution.

What Is PayPal’s Resolution Center?

The PayPal Resolution Center is an online tool that helps users resolve transaction issues between buyers and sellers. If something goes wrong, such as a product not being delivered, being significantly different from the description, or unauthorized transactions appearing on your account, you can turn to the Resolution Center.

Through the Resolution Center, you can:

  • Open a dispute: If you’re a buyer and you have an issue with a seller, such as not receiving your product or receiving a damaged item.
  • Respond to a dispute: Sellers can use the Resolution Center to respond to a buyer’s dispute.
  • Escalate a dispute to a claim: If a dispute can’t be resolved directly between buyer and seller, either party can escalate it to a claim, and PayPal will step in to mediate.
  • Respond to a claim or chargeback: Sellers may need to provide additional information to PayPal or their credit card company to resolve a claim or chargeback.

Now, let’s go through the steps on how to contact the PayPal Resolution Center and handle each type of issue: disputes, claims, and chargebacks.

Step 1: Accessing the PayPal Resolution Center

To manage disputes, claims, or chargebacks, you must first access the Resolution Center.

  1. Log into Your PayPal Account: Visit PayPal’s website and log into your account.
  2. Navigate to the Resolution Center: Once logged in, go to the top menu and click on “Help & Contact”. From the drop-down menu, select “Resolution Center”, or you can directly visit
  3. View Current Cases: In the Resolution Center, you’ll see a dashboard that lists any open or closed disputes, claims, or chargebacks. Click on any case to get more information or take action.

Step 2: Responding to a Dispute

If you’ve received a notification that a buyer has opened a dispute against you, the next step is to respond within the Resolution Center.

  1. Open the Dispute: Click on the specific dispute listed in your Resolution Center.
  2. Review the Details: Review the reason for the dispute, including the buyer's comments, and gather all necessary information related to the transaction (e.g., shipping confirmation, communication history, etc.).
  3. Respond to the Buyer: Within the dispute, you can communicate directly with the buyer through the PayPal Resolution Center’s messaging system. Be respectful and professional, and try to resolve the issue by offering a solution, such as a refund, exchange, or any other resolution.
  4. Provide Supporting Documents: If necessary, you can upload supporting documents, such as proof of shipment, product images, or receipts, to help resolve the dispute.
  5. Attempt to Settle the Dispute: Your goal at this stage is to resolve the issue before it escalates. Try to offer a fair solution that satisfies the buyer to avoid further complications.

If the buyer is satisfied with your response, the dispute will be closed. However, if the issue is not resolved, the buyer may escalate the dispute to a claim.

Step 3: Escalating or Responding to a Claim

If you or the buyer are unable to resolve the dispute, it can be escalated to a claim, at which point PayPal steps in to investigate and make a decision.

  1. Escalate the Dispute: If you are the buyer and the seller has not resolved the issue to your satisfaction, you can escalate the dispute to a claim. To do this, go to the Resolution Center, find your dispute, and click on “Escalate to PayPal”.
  2. Respond to a Claim as a Seller: If you are the seller and the buyer escalates the issue to a claim, PayPal will notify you and request additional information. You will need to:
    • Provide Evidence: Upload documents or information that support your side of the story (such as tracking numbers, proof of delivery, or communication history).
    • Respond in a Timely Manner: PayPal gives both parties a limited amount of time to respond to claims. Make sure to provide all necessary information before the deadline to avoid automatic decisions in favor of the buyer.
  3. Wait for PayPal’s Decision: After reviewing the evidence from both sides, PayPal will make a decision on the claim. This could result in a refund to the buyer, a dismissal of the claim, or other outcomes depending on the evidence provided.

Step 4: Handling a Chargeback

A chargeback occurs when a buyer contacts their credit card company to reverse a charge. PayPal allows sellers to defend against chargebacks, but the final decision is up to the credit card issuer.

  1. Receive a Chargeback Notification: If a buyer files a chargeback, you’ll be notified via email and within the Resolution Center. You will see the case listed as a “chargeback” instead of a dispute.
  2. Provide Documentation: To dispute the chargeback, you must provide evidence such as:
    • Proof of delivery (tracking information, delivery receipt, etc.).
    • Product descriptions and images.
    • Any communication you’ve had with the buyer regarding the transaction.
  3. Submit Your Response to PayPal: PayPal will handle the communication with the credit card company, so your task is to submit the necessary documents and information within the Resolution Center.
  4. Wait for the Outcome: The credit card company will make the final decision. If the decision favors you, the chargeback will be reversed. If not, the buyer receives a refund, and the charge is applied to your account.

Step 5: Following Up and Staying Updated

Throughout the process, it’s important to stay informed and proactive.

  • Check Your Email: PayPal will send notifications regarding the status of disputes, claims, or chargebacks. Ensure you respond to any requests promptly.
  • Monitor the Resolution Center: Log into the Resolution Center regularly to track the progress of your cases and ensure all deadlines are met.
  • Provide Clear and Detailed Information: Whether you’re the buyer or seller, providing complete and accurate information can make the process smoother and increase the chances of a favorable outcome.


PayPal’s Resolution Center is a valuable tool for handling disputes, claims, and chargebacks. Whether you’re a buyer seeking to resolve an issue or a seller responding to a dispute, following the steps outlined above will help you navigate the process with confidence.

The key to resolving these issues successfully is staying proactive, providing detailed and accurate information, and communicating clearly with PayPal or the other party involved. With PayPal’s Resolution Center at your fingertips, you have the resources you need to manage transaction disputes effectively.